"Hidden youth" became outstanding student

家長心聲A few years ago, when my son was still in Secondary One of a famous school in Hong Kong, he received Dr. Jane Nam's cognitive assessment, and the result was that his intelligence had reached a gifted level. However, in the second term of Secondary Two, my son suddenly refused to go to school, the reason being that he found the learning environment in the school dull and boring. As a result, he stopped going to school, hid himself at home, and became addicted to video games.

My son hid himself at home for two and a half years, during which I consulted Dr. Jane Nam again and asked her to counsel my son. Dr. Jane Nam believed that my son was a gifted student and needed to study in a school with interactive teaching and activity approach. Therefore, she suggested my son to go to the United States to further his studies, because most schools there adopt interactive teaching and activity approach. As I have relatives living in California, I tried to enrol him in a high school in the vicinity, but the schools there were strict in their admission of students. Fortunately, Dr. Jane Nam was kind enough to write a recommendation letter for my son, so he managed to enter a Christian high school.

Two and a half years elapsed, and I could not have dreamt that my son did not miss a single day attending school there! When he graduated from high school in July 2016, he not only achieved excellent results, but also had the honour of being selected as a student representative giving a speech at the graduation ceremony! In addition, in September 2016, my son won a scholarship and succeeded in entering a prestigious Christian university in California.

Everything is God's grace!

Sincere thanks to Dr. Jane Nam for her professional guidance and help!

Greetings from Samuel's mother