Testifying the Effectiveness of the Integrated Assessment

In October 2020, through a friend's referral, I approached Dr. Jane Nam, the Educational Psychologist of Positive Life Association Ltd. for the Integrated Assessment of my son, who was six years old then. Many friends had commented that my son was in fact intelligent for his age in terms of his thinking processes and curiosity about many things. Nevertheless, I was concerned that my son's development might be hindered by his own diligence. Thus, I arranged for my son to undergo the Integrated Assessment from Dr. Nam to find out if there was any 'hidden' strength that I as his mom could not be able to identify in him.

In attendance during the entire Integrated Assessment process, I was impressed by the various cognitive exercises meant to gauge my son’s intelligence level, learning and interpersonal skills, fine motor and gross motor coordination etc. During the process of interpreting results of the Integrated Assessment, what I appreciated most was Dr. Nam's professional advice on the areas to which I should pay attention in order to nurture my son's strengths and improve his weaknesses.

In view of the wonderful testimony of my son growing up, I highly recommend parents to seek Dr. Nam’s professional advice, in order to foster properly their children's development and cultivate appropriately their inborn talents.

With compliments from Jessie